Garner 2024: A Dialogue with Garner’s Current and Future Leaders

Garner 2024 flyer

Garner 2024: A Dialogue with Garner’s Current and Future Leaders

Join us for an exciting panel discussion with our Democratic town leaders and state house candidates as they unpack the issues that shape our daily lives and share their visions for Garner’s future. Our confirmed panelists are town councilmember Demian Dellinger and House District 33 primary candidates Debra Dunston, Monika Johnson-Hostler, and Antoine G. Marshall. Following the panel, connect personally with our leaders during a meet-and-greet. Come be informed, inspired, and involved in shaping the trajectory of our community.

Families welcome! We’ll provide an activities table for children, so you can enjoy the discussion knowing they’re having a great time too.

This event is hosted by the Garner Democrats. We’re committed to serving our community and educating voters who will turn North Carolina blue in 2024.

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