WCDP Convention

Wake Dems County Convention – March 15 & 16, 2024

 The annual County Convention is one of the most important events for the Wake County Democratic Party. This year, in an effort to streamline our work, we sought and received a dispensation from the NCDP Chair to break our convention into two separate sessions based on survey feedback from County Executive Committee members.

  • Session 01 – Friday, March 15, 6:30-8pm: Procedural
  • Session 02 – Saturday, March 16, beginning at 10:30am: Business per the NCDP Plan of Organization for Even Years

For Session 01, elected precinct delegates will consider and approve

  • Convention Agenda
  • Convention Special Rules
  • 2023 Convention Minutes

For Session 02, elected precinct delegates will gather to do the following

  • Elect Wake Dems Executive Officer vacancy replacements
  • Elect delegates to Congressional District Conventions for Districts 02 and 13 (2022 “old” maps) and the NCDP State Convention
  • Senate District 18 Executive Committee Representatives, and
  • Discuss and vote on Resolutions that were submitted during precinct organizing

Registration for delegates, non-voting observers, and candidate information will be posted here. Note that proxies are not allowed at this meeting and observers must be registered Democrats living in Wake County.


We are pre-registering in advance to expedite the March 15-16 Wake County Convention (Virtual via Zoom). Pre-Registration is required to attend or observe this meeting. Each attendee must register separately. Per our by-laws, proxies are not permitted for this meeting.

 The PRE-REGISTRATION DEADLINE for the 2024 Convention is 11:59pm on March 14th. Both delegates and observers must pre-register to attend the meeting. There will be no exceptions to the registration deadline. 

  • NOTE 1: Zoom links for meeting attendees will be provided on Friday afternoon (03/15/24), and once again on Saturday morning (03/16/24).
  • NOTE 2: Credentialed observers, who must be registered Democrats, will be provided a streaming link to view the meeting. Streaming links will be provided around 30 minutes prior to the meeting start times.
  • NOTE 3: The First Name, Middle Initial, and Last Name provided on this form must reflect your current Voter Registration and must be used when logging into each convention session. To review your voter registration information, visit https://vt.ncsbe.gov/RegLkup/.
  • NOTE 4: All outreach, including reminders, meeting links, streaming links, voting information, and other critical meeting details, will be sent via the email you list on this form. WCDP is not responsible for erroneous emails.
  • NOTE 5: Voting members will be asked to create a PIN when submitting this form. Please follow the PIN instructions and be sure to save your PIN and keep it handy for convention. It will be included in the copy of your responses you receive after submitting the form. Please save your confirmation email along with your PIN.

Election & Candidate Information

Elections for Third Vice Chair and Raleigh Vice Chair Vacancies

  • Requirements: Must be a Democrat registered to vote in Wake County for both seats; for the Raleigh VC, must also be registered to vote within Raleigh municipal boundaries.
  • Third Vice Chair is in charge of media, communications, and messaging. Click HERE to review the position details.
  • Raleigh Vice Chair works closely with the First Vice Chair and directly with Raleigh precinct officers to support organization, activation, and mobilization. The Raleigh VC also works closely with the Raleigh Region Area Coordinators, who assist with precinct support. Click HERE to review the position details.
  • If you are interested in running for either of these critical Executive Council positions, click HERE to fill out the interest form. This form closes at 11:59pm on Wednesday, March 13. After that, candidate declarations must come from the convention floor. PRE-DECLARATION PERIOD NOW CLOSED.

Click HERE to view information about declared candidates for Raleigh Vice Chair and Third Vice Chair.

Support & Help

Support Request

Having a problem registering, declaring as a candidate, or do you need assistance with something else? Contact convention.team@wakedems.org.

Tech Help

Before the meeting make sure your computer or phone can access Zoom and is fully updated, or get a free Zoom download if you do not already have the program.

Zoom Technical Help and Information

Make sure you’re using the latest version of Zoom
Join a test meeting to make sure your setup works
View Zoom’s video tutorials

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