Tech Training

Tech Training

An interactive training for all volunteers on how to use important technology tools for your WCDP work. Sessions will cover topics such as:

  • Precinct and area emails
  • Organizing your Wake Dems Google Drive files
  • Google Groups and Spaces
  • Sign Up Genius (for poll greeting)
  • How to use MiniVAN (for canvassing) and Virtual Phone Banks

The May 14th session will focus on precinct and area email groups: how to send emails to the groups, how to send emails from the group, and how to manage group membership.

No sign-up required, just drop in!

Video call link:
Or dial: ‪(US) +1 513-818-1379‬ PIN: ‪477 247 569‬#

There will lots of opportunities to ask questions and get general help. For more personalized assistance, please schedule an appointment with Christy.

Location on Map

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