18-05 Precinct Meeting

Precinct Meeting

18-05 Precinct Meeting

18-05 Precinct Meeting organizing for Get Out The Vote.

We are so pleased with your interest in joining the Wake County Democratic Party’s campaign to help turn North Carolina BLUE in 2024! We need your help and your involvement couldn’t come at a better time. A total of 40 new volunteers signed up on March 5.  Since Primary Election Day your Wake County Democratic Party has finalized and is now rolling out our local campaign to elect Democrats on November 5.
At this meeting we will:
Take some time (maybe an hour) to learn how to use a GOTV tool.
Meet with your fellow precinct volunteers and officer to distribute the workload.
You’ll need to be a registered Democrat to have access to the specific data to feed the MiniVan app (see your app store).  Some of you that volunteered on primary day noted you are registered as ‘Unassigned” or Independent. No Problem!  We need to canvas in pairs and we’ll hook you up with a partner.  And if canvassing isn’t your thing, there are other opportunities to serve.  Please mark your calendar for May 11, 1:00PM.  We’ll let you know the location in a follow-up email.

Location on Map

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