Executive Council

Sarah Leehr, Cary / Morrisville Vice Chair

Sarah Leehr, EC Cary / Morrisville Vice ChairRegional Vice Chairs assist the First Vice Chair with planning and organizing meetings, provide direct support and guidance to precinct officers in their region, and assist the Chair in candidate outreach and party building in their region.

From Sarah:
I’ve been involved with WCDP since 2017 in many different capacities – Precinct Chair, Area Coordinator, Lead Area Coordinator, committee chair, and member of an affiliate organization board. This provides a wide base of knowledge to draw from in my current capacity as an RVC and insight into the volunteer experience in different roles. I believe that an individual’s political power is strongest at the local level and I am excited about working with others in Cary and Morrisville to direct that power to make a real difference in our communities.

Contact the Cary / Morrisville Vice Chair: