CEC Meeting
County Executive Committee Meeting – Thursday, September 14, 2023
Upcoming Meeting
- Zoom opens at 6:00pm
- Meeting begins at 6:30pm
- Pre-credentialing/registration is required
- This meeting is for Wake County Democratic Party CEC members and registered Democrats who would like to observe.
Meeting Notices
CEC Members will receive a registration and credential notice though their preferred opt-in method.
Please opt-in to receiving official notices through email to help Wake Dems save money and trees.
If you do not opt-in to email notices, you will receive a postcard at the address we have on file.
Meeting Support Information
All Wake County CEC members are asked to attend this meeting to discuss and vote on important business for WCDP. CEC stands for County Executive Committee. The CEC is the governing body for the county Democratic Party.
Who’s on the CEC?
The CEC is comprised of
- Chairs and Vice Chairs of each of the organized precincts in the district
- Elected members of the county’s Executive Council
- Representatives of the county chapters of state-wide auxiliaries
- Members of the county’s delegation to the State Executive Committee
- Officers of Congressional District executive committees (residing in the district)
- The county party attorney (if the county has one and they live in the district)
For additional support or if you are having trouble pre-registering, use the following contacts:
- Email cec.team@wakedems.org (preferred)
- Call the office phone and leave a voicemail: (919)916-5641
Meeting Registration
Pre-registration is REQUIRED
- Observers must complete the registration form by 6:30pm Wednesday, September 13th
- Voting members must complete the registration form by 11:59pm Wednesday, September 13th​
- There will be no exceptions
- If you are a CEC member but cannot attend, please send a proxy. Both you and your proxy must register by the above deadline.
How Can I Attend?
– Complete the Pre-Credentialing / RSVP Form before the deadlines above.
Who Fills Out the Form?
- Voting Members of the CEC
- Member Proxies
- Observers
- Volunteers
- Presenters
Required Form
Meeting Documents
The full proposed agenda, proposed special rules, and previous meeting minutes are forthcoming.
Meeting Agenda
September 14, 2023
Proposed Agenda Highlights:
- Strategic presentation (organizational & electoral)
- Strategic timeline review for December ‘23 – Summer ‘24
- 2024 Convention survey review
- Elect Apex Regional Vice Chair replacement
- Other business and announcements
Special Rules
Special rules are chosen on a meeting-by-meeting basis and proposed in the linked document. The CEC will discuss and adopt the rules as they see fit for use during the meeting.