10-05 Precinct Meeting
Good Hope Baptist Church 4209 Smithfield Rd, Knightdale, NC, United StatesThe monthly meeting of Precinct 10-05 will be held at our polling place; Good Hope Baptist Church.
The monthly meeting of Precinct 10-05 will be held at our polling place; Good Hope Baptist Church.
Join like-minded friends and soon-to-be friends to commiserate, pontificate, and collaborate on the third Saturday of every month. This is a primarily a community-building social event, but may involve planning and info sharing as well.
Quarterly planning meeting of the 07-03 volunteer team.
Join us for the first of our monthly Morrisville canvasses.
📢 Attention all passionate Democrats! 📢 Please join WCDP for a Virtual Phone Bank as we reach out to voters across the county on a virtual call. You will receive the Zoom registration link after submitting the form below! Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89936829705?pwd=OHVMbGUxVlJmN05WUWdkWitDYlVlQT09
Come help us start the process of connecting with our neighbors and fellow Democrats and Democrat Leaning Unaffiliated (D+DLU) voters.
Join friends and neighbors in 01-09 and 01-12 for fellowship and to learn about the many volunteer opportunities available.
Relax and converse with like-minded folks and get an update on what the GA is up to from Maria Cervania our House Representative.
Join the Wake Dems Volunteer Engagement Team for Volunteer Orientation. This session is designed to get newer volunteers acclimated to the Wake County Democratic Party's goals, structure, and volunteer opportunities. Please register for the Zoom and the event. Zoom Registration: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0qf-2trzwoH9KGrbY9RXBybEQd9ZFs5IcZ Event Registration: