WCDP Canvass in Glenwood!
📢 Attention all passionate Democrats! 📢 Join Wake Dems for a ‘Get Out The Organization’ canvass launch! WCDP will be touring Wake County to host canvasses to grow our ranks […]
📢 Attention all passionate Democrats! 📢 Join Wake Dems for a ‘Get Out The Organization’ canvass launch! WCDP will be touring Wake County to host canvasses to grow our ranks […]
📢 Attention all passionate Democrats! 📢 Join Wake Dems for a ‘Get Out The Organization’ canvass launch! WCDP will be touring Wake County to host canvasses to grow our ranks […]
Join us for refreshing conversation with likeminded Democrats and left-leaning unaffiliated voters
Join like-minded friends and soon-to-be friends to commiserate, pontificate, and collaborate on the third Saturday of every month.
Join the Wake Dems Volunteer Engagement Team for Volunteer Orientation. This session is designed to get newer volunteers acclimated to the Wake County Democratic Party's goals, structure, and volunteer opportunities. […]
Meet with Wake Regional Vice Chair Ambrosia Sharkey. Mondays 1-2pm Video call link: https://meet.google.com/vgs-avuc-nzk Or dial: +1 401-472-4792 PIN: 468881222 More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/vgs-avuc-nzk?pin=3228091963962
Third Vice Chair Office Hours
Show up, make friends, and change the world with your Dem neighbors! We'll get together once a month on the fourth Tuesday from 5:30-7:00.Â
An interactive training for all volunteers on how to use important technology tools for your WCDP work. Sessions will cover topics such as: Precinct and area emails Organizing your Wake […]